The following are Brighton Ski Patrol's assisted medication standing orders as of August 5, 2023.
Medication: MDI = Metered Dose Inhaler
Sign/Symptom: Difficulty breathing due to Asthma
Validation Steps
- Patient assessment
- OPQRST assessment
- Check to see if the patient has already taken the dose
- Patient history
- Call for ALS
- Transport the patient to the clinic or Aid room
- Verify the 5 Rights
- Medication prescribed for the patient
- Correct medication
- Right route
- Right dose
- Confirm that the medication has not expired
- Patient is alert enough to use the inhaler
- Shake the inhaler several times or roll it between our hands to warm and mix
- Help the patient take one puff from the inhaler
- Note the time and dose of the administration
- If no improvement in patient condition and if MDI per dose is not instructed on the inhaler, give second or third dose in 20 minutes if patient is not improving between doses (up to 3 doses)
- Continue ongoing assessment of the patient
- Complete all Documentation
Medication: Aspirin
Sign/Symptom: Chest Pain - Signs & symptoms suggest cardiovascular chest pain
Validation Steps
- Patient assessment
- OPQRST assessment
- Patient history
- Call for ALS
- Transport patient to the clinic or Aid room
- Ensure patient is 18 or older and has no allergies to aspirin
- Patient has no bleeding and no GI bleeding
- Patient can chew and swallow
- Patient has a Patent airway
- Patient has their own aspirin in their possession
- Confirm that it’s aspirin
- Confirm that the aspirin is not expired
- Confirm patient has not taken Aspirin in the last 1 hour
- Verify the 4 Rights
- Confirm you are administering aspirin to the patient
- Right route
- Right dose
- Confirm that the aspirin is not expired
- Brighton Ski Patrol does not provide aspirin
- Brighton Ski Patrol can assist patient with the patient’s aspirin
- assist patient with one 325 mg aspirin
- or assist patient with four chewable baby aspirin 81 mg per tablet.
- allow patient a sip of water if needed
- Note the time and dose
- Continue ongoing patient assessment
- Complete all Documentation
Medication: Nitroglycerin
Sign/Symptom: Chest pain / Cardio - Signs & symptoms - patient is having cardiovascular chest pain
Validation Steps
- Patient assessment
- OPQRST assessment
- Patient history
- Call for ALS
- Blood Pressure must be taken in the clinic or aid room not on mountain
- Transport patient to the clinic or Aid room
- Patient must be having chest pain and patient must be awake and responsive
- Check to see if the patient has already taken dose for this episode of chest pain
- Do Not assist with Nitroglycerin if
- If the patient (male or female) has taken erectile dysfunction medication or altitude illness prevention (e.g., Viagra, Levitra, Cialis, etc) with in the last 24 hours
- If Chest pain is due to trauma
- If patient blood pressure is less than 100 mm/Hg Systolic. Note: Blood Pressure must be taken in the clinic or aid room not on mountain
- Verify the 5 Rights
- Medication prescribed for the patient
- Correct medication
- Right route
- Right dose
- Confirm that the medication is not expired
- Wait 5 min from the last dose
- Ensure Blood pressure is above 100 mm/Hg Systolic
- Assist patient with their prescribed nitroglycerin, one tablet under tongue. Instruct patient to let dissolve and not to chew or swallow tablet
- If Nitroglycerin is in spray form, one spray under tongue
- If patient is not improving and has a blood pressure of 100 mm/Hg Systolic, repeat at 5 minute intervals (3 doses total).
- Note each time and dose assisted
- Continue ongoing patient assessment
- Complete all Documentation
Medication: Glucose
Sign/Symptom: Altered Mental Status for known Diabetic
Validation Steps
- Patient assessment
- Patient history - confirm they are a known diabetic
- OPQRST assessment
- Call for ALS
- Transport patient to the clinic or Aid room
- Do not attempt to give glucose to patients who are unconscious, cannot swallow or whose gag reflex is diminished
- Patient must be able to swallow
- Patient must have a patent airway
- Confirm you are administering oral glucose to the patient
- Confirm that the Glucose is not expired
- Assist with oral glucose if the patient is able to protect their airway
- Right route
- Right dose
- Administer 1 oral glucose tube between the cheek and gum
- Adult: 15-gram commercially available tube of glucose gel or chewable tablets
- Pediatric: For patients younger than 10 years old, administer half the adult dosage
- Note the time and dose
- Take blood glucose level
- Encourage patient to eat a full meal
- Continue ongoing patient assessment
- Complete all Documentation
Medication: Epi-Pen Auto-Injector
Sign/Symptom: Allergic and Anaphylactic
Validation Steps
- Patient assessment
- OPQRST assessment
- Patient history
- Call for ALS
- Transport patient to the clinic or Aid room
- Verify the 5 Rights
- Medication prescribed for the patient
- Correct medication
- Right route
- Right dose
- Confirm Medication expiration date and that the medication is not discolored
- Assist patient with their Auto-Injector
- Administer Epi-Pen in the Outer Thigh Muscle, hold for 10 seconds
- Once administered place epi-pen into sharps container
- After ongoing assessment, assist with 2nd dose if patient is not improving after 10 minutes.
- Note the time and dose
- Continue ongoing patient assessment – watch for side effects including anxiety, restlessness, tremor, weakness, dizziness, sweating, palpitations, pallor, nausea, vomiting, headache, and (rare) heart rhythm irregularities.
- Complete all Documentation
Medication: Naloxone
Sign/Symptom: Opioid Overdose
- Cannot talk, cannot move = Non-Responsive.
- Most important clue-pinpoint pupils after opening the eyelid – DOES NOT react to light.
- Slow, shallow breathing or Absence.
- Blue lips & skin (nailbeds are blue).
Validation Steps
- Patient assessment
- Call ALS and notify we are administering Naloxone.
- Patient must be transferred to ALS for ALS evaluation
- Complete All Documentation.
- Administer Naloxone (Kit contains 2 vials of Naloxone and 2 syringes).
- Each vial contains 1 full dose.
- Flip off cap on vial.
- Pull cap off needle.
- Precautions to not get stuck.
- Set vial down.
- Insert needle.
- Flip over and draw out.
- Don’t worry about air bubbles, I.M. injection does not matter.
- Inject into large muscle (Arm, Thigh, Buttocks).
- Large, sharp needle will go through clothing.
- No need to jab needle, will easily insert into skin.
- Slide used needle back into empty vial and put in Sharps container.
- Assign someone to be responsible for Sharps.
- Should see results within 3 minutes. If not repeat with second dose.
This page was updated on November 2, 2024.