Avalanche Scene Management
× This website contains unofficial information to help us do a better job. Refer to the Brighton employee manual or your supervisor for official information.
This is Steve Achelis' Avalanche Site Commander Cheatsheet. (Avalanche Incident Commander duties are listed at the bottom of this page. You can find detailed information about avalanche rescue here.)
Before Leaving the Ski Area
Consider Resources
On Arrival
Make Assignments (ICS)
Incident Commander Tasks
  1. Notify dispatch (i.e., everyone) that s/he is the IC.
  2. Establish a command post.
  3. Identify the key tasks to be performed.
  4. Make an incident action plan (IAC) even if informal.
  5. Assign resources (people and equipment) to complete the tasks.
  6. Manage the overall incident.

Note that in smaller incidents, the Incident Commander may be the Operations Chief (i.e., Avalanche Site Commander).

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